Business name: TL NAIL CENTER SRL
Location: Bucharest
Nationality: Romanian
Who Trained You: Svetlana Deliu, Viktoria Klopotova, David Fowler, Doug Shoon
Years In Nails: 18
Years Judging: 6
Nail Brand You Represent/Use: TL Nail System
Role In Industry: Educator, Brand owner
Favourite Trade Exhibition: Cosmoprof
Favourite Nail Tool: Caliper
Favourite Book: Supranatural, Joe Dispenza
Favourite Food: Sushi
Favourite Vacation Destination: Bali
Your Hobbies: Hiking, reading, painting
What Inspires Your Work: Shapes
Who You Admire In Industry: Tom Holcomb
Top Technique You’ve Mastered: French in structure
Advice To Competitors: Be open to the new and become always the best version of yourself
Hot Tip Or Trick For Competitors: The best set of nails is the one where each nail is the exact copy of the one before it. Become a printing machine of nails :)
A Funny Day/Memory At The Nail Desk: While painting on nails I was washing my brushes in my coffee instead of water :)
An Affirmation You Love: You are already good enough!
Why Nailympia: Because it’s one of the few serious and responsible competitions
Short Bio: World Nail Champion 2015-2020, Organizator of the NAILPRO Competition Romania 2016-2020, Person of the year in beauty industry of Romania 2020, Owner of awarded Best Nail School of Romania 2020, Owner of TL NAIL SYSTEM since 2020, Expert in nail business.
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